Friday, October 17, 2014

Samsung H6670 The best mid-range LED TV 2014

The Samsung H6670 is a LED TV Full HD 2014 This model is the evolution of one of the best televisions 2013 The H6670 is the top of the mid-range Samsung. This model has good contrast, good image, good SmartTV, 3D active ... and improves other models, thanks to the Microdimming technology. It is a TV with 4 HDMI and 3 USB, more than enough, and includes 2x 3D glasses. The Samsung H6670 is the same TV that the H6500 but with improved Microdimming and 600Hz CMR.

You can find this TV LED in our list of Online Stores

Technical / Specifications:
Screen Size: 40, 48 and 55 inches.
Technology: LED Microdimming
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
3D: yes, active
CMR: 600Hz
Refresh rate (real): 100Hz
Processor: Quad-core
DTV Tuner: DVB-T2 / C / S2
  • Wi-Fi
  • 4x HDMI
  • 3x USB
  • SmartTV
  • Smart Touch Remote Control
  • Voice Control
  • Browser
View all specifications (Samsung website)

Visit TV LED Glossary for more information about what does mean HDMI, HDReady, CMR, HZ...

Design Samsung H6670:

Other LED TV like Samsung H6670?
Do not forget to check out the "LED TV Buying Guide "
Conclusion (verdict):
This model is situated as one of the best options for money. This is highly recommended for any use TV, especially recommended for its value for money, this is the best mid-range TV that you can buy in 2104. If you want a good mid-range TV must choose between Samsung H6670 or Sony W828B. Both models feature the best 2D picture quality, with excellent contrast, besides the Samsung Smart TV is better and it has better 3D system too.

Model Name:
  • Samsung 40H6670
  • Samsung 48H6670
  • Samsung 55H6670
You can check our List of all models Samsung TV LED for 2014

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this article very helpful.
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